Section Six: Editing Fox & Feather Photos

Here is how I edited the photos from the Fox & Feather shoot. Although I was happy with the general compositions I wanted to edit them so that certain aspects would stand out. The original colouring didn't do Leigh's hair justice and I wanted it to really pop against the backgrounds and her pale skin. 

The first thing I did (and always do) is edit the Brightness & Contrast. The original image was quite dull and flat, so I brought up the brightness quite a lot and upped the contrast a little too. I also played around with the 'Levels' to adjust the depth of the shadows, highlights and mid tones.

Next I altered the colour balance. Cooler tones tend to look a lot crisper and is popular in the blogging community. I increased the level of blue and magenta in the image, adding a tiny bit more red too.

To start giving the hair more vibrancy I started altering smaller sections of the image. Using the 'Quick Selection Tool' I selected the background and Leigh's skin. I used the 'Dodge' and 'Sponge' tool to brighten and desaturate the areas. I think selected the hair and sections of the waistcoat, and used the 'Sponge' tool to saturate them. This really helped the colours to "pop".

Her top looked a little creased on closer inspection of the image, so I used the 'Spot Healing' tool to take out blemishes on the clothing and a little bit on her skin (which she asked me to as she was self conscious that she had spots that day).

I then just went in and realtered some of the settings like the brightness & contrast and caturation until I was happy with the results.

I generally used the same editing methods for the rest of the images (adjusting settings accordingly) so that they all had the same style. Here are the final images I want to include in the magazine.

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