Section Two: Second Level Questionnaire

Have you got any name ideas?
A few, but I haven't got a final name yet. I was thinking of calling it Publish because, obviously you publish a magazine, but most bloggers use where you literally have to hit 'Publish' to make a blog post live, so it links the idea of the two mediums together.

I was also thinking of maybe just calling it BLOG (possibly with a colon in the middle like this BL:OG as that could look quite contemporary on the cover).  It's pretty straight forward and at least my audience would know what it's about. I'm not sure yet though - I'm open to new ideas.

Do you have any specific colour scheme and fonts in mind?
No, I don't have a colour scheme in mind at the moment. However, I would like the pages to be bright and colourful, but still follow a simple and clear layout.

For fonts I am leaning towards using mainly sans serif fonts. They are more modern and feel less informal; something like Futura or Century Gothic would be ideal.

Do you have any themes in mind for this issue?
I want it to be the September 2016 issue. It could follow an autumnal theme which would be made evident with a fashion lookbook.

Maybe it could be a "Campus Edition" with university advice in there too, things like a freshers' beauty essentials kit and articles from bloggers who balance blogging with university studies. We could even have "Blogger Freshman Guide" - an insert that has lots of information for people who are new to the blogging industry. It could have things like a dictionary that explains blogging jargon, a list of Twitter chats and other helpful information.

I don't want to overcomplicate the project but I think each issue must have a distinct theme in order to set them apart from each other.

What are the main sections you would like to include?
  • Beauty
  • Fashion
  • Health & Fitness
  • Home/Interiors
  • Art
  • Blogging Advice (including Agony Aunt)
  • Book Club
However I am happy for possible leads on interviews to dictate some of the sections. For instance, if I manage to land an interview with a full time baking blogger then I'm happy to create a small section on baking. 

Also as this is the first issue there doesn't need to be too many sections and topics. This is just to present the idea of the magazine to the community and see how they respond. Future issues could include more topics than this if needs be.

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