Section Two: First Level Questionnaire

As I'm not working for a client I used this questionnaire as an opportunity to hone my ideas and really think about what direction I want to take the magazine in. This will help me figure out what kind of bloggers I want to collaborate with and having a refined idea will also allow me to explain it to potential collaborators clearly.

Here is my first level questionnaire...

Have you ever created a magazine before?
No, not a full issue.

Who is your target audience?
Young female bloggers/blog readers aged 15-27.

Theoretically speaking, how often would the magazine be published?
It will be a monthly issue.

How many pages would you like it to have?
Around 50-80. Since it's a monthly issue it needs to be quite thick but not too thick that readers get bored half way through.

Are there any particular bloggers you would like to collaborate with on the project?
I have a few ideas of who I would like to work with. Jemma Morgan from is the first person that springs to mind. She is highly active in the community, and is always up to collaborate and help people. It'd be fun to have her on board as an agony aunty or even do an interview.

I would like to interview a blogger who has recently gone full time as this would be appealing to my audience. Someone like: dizzybrunette3, Brogan Tate XO,  or dorkface would be ideal.

Apart from that there isn't specifically any one person I'd like to work with. I'm open to collaborating with anyone who wants to be involved. I'd rather have someone who is excited about the idea and co-operative then have my heart set on a certain person and it not work out very well.

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