Section Three: Final Project Proposal

For my project I will be creating a magazine aimed at the blogging community, primarily young females aged 15-17 who are either bloggers themselves and/or regular readers of beauty, fashion and lifestyle blogs. 

What the Project Entails
I will be aiming to create a full first issue of the magazine that will act as a prototype should I choose to produce the magazine properly after this project. It will be a monthly magazine with this first issue  being the September 2016 issue. 

It will be around 50-80 pages long, featuring sections on a wide range of topics including beauty, fashion, health, fitness, art, blogging advice and books. 

What Users Will Gain
The idea is to provide bloggers' a chance to connect with the community through a different medium and encourage creative collaboration. The magazine will celebrate the current industry, showcasing up and coming bloggers as well as providing a compilation of different subjects from bloggers' perspectives. 

As the blogging industry is strong dominated by young, female entrepreneurs the magazine will strongly focus on celebrating "girl power", featuring regular articles on inspirational women in the industry and encouraging positive female relationships. As well as being entertained by interesting articles, the audience (user) should also go away feeling empowered, inspired and motivated after reading the magazine. 

There will be a large section dedicated to blogging advice to help readers in their career. Readers should be able to learn something about blogging from reading the magazine whether that simply be, being introduced to some new blogs, learning how to set up their own or even learning how to turn their blog into a full time career.

Overall the magazine should be something that is both helpful and fun to read.

Resources Needed
To create the magazine I will be mainly using Adobe Indesign as well as Illustrator and Photoshop. I'll be using a DSLR to conduct photo shoots and possibly Twitter/gmail to conduct some of the interviews. 

I'll potentially be using watercolour paints to create some illustrations for the magazine and will be using photographs taken by other bloggers, with their permission. 

To print the magazine I'll possibly be using either Blurb (in which case I'd use their InDesign plugin to build the magazine) or the university printing service.

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