Section Five: Deciding Content

Over the past few days I have been brainstorming some ideas for the magazine. I started by thinking of name ideas however I still haven't made a firm decision, so for now I am simply going with the name Blog. 

I then thought about the kind of articles I want to include and the collaborators I want involved with each article. 

For the interviews I thought of bloggers who I already have contact with and have something special about them. Pixiwoo were the first people to spring to mind. They are two sisters/make up artists who create beauty related videos and blog posts. I did their 5 day intensive make up course last year and so I have already built a relationship with them. 

They are definitely leaning towards the "blogger celebrity" end of the spectrum, however they still have very relatable qualities that would be great to showcase in the magazine. The interview would cover things like: them being pioneers of the beauty blogger industry, working with each other (and their sisterly bond), being entrepreneurial women with the launch of their make up brush brand Real Techniques, self confidence, beauty and their Tuesday Chat series in which they interview inspirational women from all walks of life. 

It'd be excellent to have them involved with the issue as they are very well known which would instantly give the magazine validity with it's audience as well as causing interest in the issue. Unfortunately they are very busy people and the likelihood of them being able to take part is quite low, but it is worth asking since I have a connection with them. 

Another person I am keen to interview is Corrie Swaffield who runs the blog and Youtube channel, DizzyBrunette3. Although not as well known as Pixiwoo she still has a huge following of 30,000 and has achieved a lot in her six year career. Furthermore she is only 24 years old so she is more suited to my target audience. She has recently turned blogging into a full time career, something that a lot of bloggers are currently aiming to do. It'd be great to have an interview with her, concentrating on how she became a full time blogger as this is something that'd really appeal to my audience. 

Although I don't know her personally she is familiar with me and also quite likely to agree to an interview. She currently lives in Southampton so there is also the possibility of interviewing her face to face but she is also a very busy person, so that's not as likely. I'd like to have either Corrie or Pixiwoo on the front cover of the mag. They are the main people I want to interview but I also thought about a few others. Namely:

- Tolly Dolly Posh - Tolly started her blog when she was only 11 years old! Now 15, she has already launched her own fashion collection, designed a doll, won various blogging awards and is constantly involved with excellent brand collaborations. She is quite an inspirational person so she would be excellent to interview. 

- Dorkface (Jemma Morgan) - Jemma is another blogger who recently went full time and has her hand in a lot of other pies. She juggles social media consultancy work and illustration with blogging and has also launched #TheGirlGang - a blogging community the endeavours to unite women and create positive relationships. That's exactly the kind of thing I want to promote with the magazine so I really want her on board. I have friendships with both of Jemma and Tolly so it shouldn't be to hard to get them on board. 

I had a brain wave for another interview that features two people who have either become best friends or partner's because of blogging. The article could be called something like "Love At First Site" (cheesy, I know but everyone loves a good pun) and tell the story of how they met and their current relationship. I don't personally know anyone with this kind of story so I would have to appeal for applicants on social media, but of course this really depends on if there is anyone who a) this has happened to and b) if they are willing to take part. 

Other Articles
For the other articles, I split ideas into sections of Beauty, Fashion, Blogging and Health, for now. I tried to think of a wide range of ideas for each section however I managed to think of a lot more for the blogging section. 

I want some of the articles to be "one-offs" and others to be recurring series. For example, I really like the idea of doing a Fresher's Beauty Survival Kit and that would be solely for the September issue. 

I also like the idea of doing a series on bloggers' workspaces, for the blogging section as I think it'd be interesting to see how different bloggers' work. 

Final (ish) List
After brainstorming a lot of different ideas I created a table, for the articles I have decided on. These are subject to change as a lot of them depend on collaborators' co-operation. I am also open to adding more articles to the magazine, if I find inspiration along the way.

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