Section Six: Printing the Magazine

I have just got back from my meeting with the printing service. The man I spoke to was really helpful and discussed a lot of my options with me, showing me physical examples which made me happy I ended up deciding against Blurb as I wouldn't have been able to do that with them.

I was shown paper samples and after much deliberation I went for 150gsm silk paper for the pages of the magazine and 300gsm silk paper for the cover. I was mainly deliberating about whether or not I should have the same gsm for the cover and the pages however after being shown a perfectly bound magazine, a thicker cover seemed to look better. I went for perfect binding as I had original wanted to.

Normally the printing takes around 2 working days but their printers are currently down and probably won't be back up and running until Friday, so I probably won't get my print until Monday. That doesn't leave me with much time to correct any major errors and reprint so I am just hoping there isn't any.

This is something that wouldn't have been a problem had I not fallen ill during the middle of project however there is not much I can do now and will have to use this as a lesson for future projects.

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