Section Seven: Audience Feedback & Reviews

I am currently still waiting for the magazine to print and in the mean time I wanted to get some feedback on the magazine. I composed a survey, asking respondents to rate certain aspects of the magazine and provide feedback on what they enjoyed about the magazine and what they would improve.
Recruiting survey respondents 

After appealing for applicants on Facebook, I sent out the PDF version of the magazine to participants and the survey (view the survey HERE). So far I have had 16 responses which are relatively the same. Here are some of the statistics from the responses

As you can see the majority of the feedback is really positive. Bloggers seem to enjoy the overall look and idea of the magazine, and were very impressed with the design elements. One of the key bits of feedback was that it looked professional and they loved it.

Some positive feedback
The key area for improvement, highlighted in the responses is the front cover. A lot of people commented that it didn't reflect the same energy as the artistic pages in the magazine and also that it didn't provide enough information about who Corrie is or what the magazine will entail.

I do generally agree with this feedback as the cover isn't the same style as I originally wanted. I wanted something more colourful and artistic but didn't have the skills to achieve this. On reflection it perhaps would've been best to find an illustrator to collaborate with.

As for it not having enough detail, I think I was too focused on it being minimal and also assumed that most people would know who Corrie is however from the responses, half of the respondents said they only recognised some of the bloggers featured. This isn't a huge issue as I wanted to involve everyday bloggers and also present some new and lesser known bloggers to the community, however I could've made more of an effort to explain who Corrie was on the cover.

The editor's letter does go into more detail but I suppose it's the cover that helps the reader decide whether or not they want to purchase and I think it needs to be improved in order to persuade them to purchase.

There were a couple of other things that people suggested I approve such as minor details in the layout.

One respondent suggested a few more article ideas which I thought were great and would be excellent to feature in future issues, and when I have more of a team to help me with the work load.

You can view all of the survey responses here:

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