Section Six: Cancelled Photoshoot

Jordan contacted me today as she can no longer do the photo shoot on Monday as she has a last minute university group session that she can't miss. Unfortunately we are not available at the same time until late January, which will put the project behind schedule.

We've made the decision to cancel the shoot.

Although I am disappointed that this area of the magazine seems to be quite problematic, it is a good chance for me to learn how to problem solve and manage a project effectively. In a "real life" situation people do cancel, and you have to be able to make decisions in order to still hit deadlines.

I'm hoping to find a new blogger who can model for the shoot before the 10th January and who is a bit closer to Portsmouth as Falmer Village was quite far away. Hopefully having someone nearby will be easier and be less likely to fall through.

Onwards and upwards!

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