Getting Back On Track

Unfortunately due to personal reasons I have made very little progress on the project over the past few months. I have been granted an ECF and so my deadline has now moved to April 13th.

There is a lot of making up for loss time to do but I think I can still get back on track with the project and complete it on time. I have considered the time it's going to take me to layout the magazine, send it to print and delivery time and have decided against printing via Blurb. I simply wouldn't have enough time to get it printed or rectify any mistakes.

Instead I am going to print using the university printing service. I have been emailing an advisor there  and have been told turn around time is around 48 hours which is considerably less time than the usual 8-10 days it takes with Blurb (sometimes it's even longer so I can't risk it). It's also a lot cheaper and I have taken a look at some of their past prints and the quality is great.

Although this whole situation has had a negative impact on the project it has taught me a few lessons, the most important is the need to work in a team. I approached this project very independently from the start, choosing not to work for a client (although that probably was a good decision as I wouldn't have wanted to let a client down with this situation) and writing the majority of the articles myself. I was quite ambitious with it and had I not had fallen ill, I would've managed to pull it off. However, I think I need to be more open to the idea of working as a team and not having as much control over a project.

If this was a "real" magazine then it would be better to set up a proper team so that if something like this happens the project can continue in my absence.

Moving forward I'm aiming to get started with physically putting the magazine together and want to build in time to receive feedback from my audience. The end of the project isn't going to be as detailed as the beginning as there is going to be little time for testing etc. But one step at a time!

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